Spring tulips
Time for a spring tune up?
I write this having just returned from a walk in the countryside under blue skies and bright sunshine. It really feels as if spring has sprung.
With the emergence from wintry showers and grey skies, it seems as if everyone’s thoughts are turning to fresh starts, new possibilities and renewal.
Lots of people will be encouraged to get outside to start some exercise, to work on losing the extra weight that has accumulated over the past few months or just to get fit again.
For many, the garden is calling and the temptation is to get out into it and make up for time lost to the rain of the past couple of months.
If you haven’t been doing much since Christmas, all this renewed activity can put a strain on your joints and muscles.
At Wokingham Chiropractic Centre we love helping people to get the most out of life.
We are offering a ‘Spring Tune Up’ service until the 10th of April.
If you haven’t visited us since Christmas, make an appointment quoting ‘Spring Tune Up’ and we will reduce the fee for that visit to just £20.
Call the reception team on 0118 9787 466 today!