Darth Fraser demonstrating the correct way to do his exercises
As we approach the end of the fourth week of “lockdown”, we are becoming more used to the altered pattern of our lives.
Although our usual way of working, with face to face appointments and hands on physical care, is still not possible thanks to coronavirus, we continue to support our patients via the telephone.
In addition, we have been enjoying unexpected success with our recent trial of Telehealth appointments. These are video consultations which allow us to see our patients and to visually demonstrate exercises and rehabilitation programmes to them.
As the trial was so well received, we are now able to offer these Telehealth appointments more generally.
Each session for current patients of Wokingham Chiropractic Centre lasts for 30 minutes and is charged at £25 payable via BACS.
For patients who have not attended the practice within the last 6 months, we are scheduling slightly longer Telehealth re-examination appointments (45 minutes) charged at £35 payable via BACS
For patients that we have never previously seen, we need to allow 45-60 minutes for the New Patient Telehealth appointment. These are charged at £40 payable via BACS
As always, our usual telephone enquiry calls are without charge.
If you would like to make a Telehealth appointment, you can reach us by telephone on 0118 9787 466
Rest assured that as soon as government advice allows resumption of traditional face to face appointments, we will reopen the practice.